Benton Hot Springs is owned by the Bramlette Family Trust. Trustee, Bill Bramlette and wife, Diane Henderson, are committed to actions that preserve and care for the property in perpetuity.
In 2008, as a first step the Bramlette Trust in partnership with the Eastern Sierra Land Trust, permanently protected 900 acres of the property using a conservation easement, which prohibits future subdivision and development. The Historic Benton Hot Springs nonprofit is the Bramlette Trusts’ second step toward the property care and protection.
Hstoric Benton Hot Springs works with and assists the Bramlette Trust, Mono County, and Eastern Sierra Land Trust with the preservation and restoration of Benton Hot Springs historic, cultural, and natural properties. This facilitates community economic development and business partnerships that improve the welfare of citizens, creates jobs and enhances public use and education of this unique 1,255 acre parcel of private land in the Eastern Sierra.
Please visit the Eastern Sierra Land Trust here: to learn more about values Historic Benton Hot Springs shares with them.